16 September 2011

Free Diet Plans - 7 Days Diet Plans to Lose Weight Quickly

For who desire to receive free diet plans today I have excellent free diet plans for 7 day to show you. Some menu you may think that “I don’t love it” but if you require to lose weight you should to make. Here is seven days rice weight loss diet plan which will help you to lose weight fast. This diet plans should be used minimum for 3 days and maximum for 2 weeks. Beginning from day 3 you’ll lose 1.5 pounds a day.

In this free diet plans it's suggested to use unclean brown rice for all dishes.

Day 1

Breakfast: an apple, rice (80 g of dry grains) mixed with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Green natural tea without sugar.
Lunch: vegetable soup, vegetable 150 g of salad made of different vegetables except tomatoes, 80 g of boiled rice mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.
Dinner: vegetable broth, 80 g of boiled rice with 2 big carrots.

To Be Continuous

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